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Isael Botello
November 3, 2011
Bad Behavior better then good
How can bad behavior be better then good behavior? Lots of news use bad behavior from celebrities and almost never use good behavior. Celebrities’ bad behavior is covered more in news stories then positive behavior because it satisfies viewers, to cause rumors and gossip, and sends a greater message then good.
The first reason why news covers bad behavior then good is to satisfy the viewers. Because viewers want to see something out of ordinary, the news mostly shows bad actions of celebrities. Many people see good behavior too often that they wouldn’t want to see it on the news. Bad behavior however is something out of ordinary that many people like to see. News uses this to get people’s attention.
Another reason why news cover bad behavior more then good is to cause rumors and gossip. Because rumors and gossip all start based on what someone saw, the news provides the information to start gossiping. Many people want to gossip because they dislike that person or they just want to spread what they saw. Most rumors about the celebrities start on the news. Based on what the news say and show to people, they start gossiping on that. People use news to start gossip and rumors based on what the news showed about celebrities’ bad behavior.
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The last reason why bad behavior is covered more on the news then good is because bad behavior sends a greater message to the viewers. Because negative behavior is unusual, many people want to see it. People want to see bad behavior from celebrities because they don’t like them or it surprises them. News knows this and shows only the bad behavior to get everyone’s attention.
Bad behavior satisfying viewers, to cause rumors and gossip, and sends a greater message then good is why news use celebrities’ bad behavior on news then good. Many celebrities use bad behavior more than their good behavior, which creates trouble to the public and themselves